Sunday 6 March 2016

The Middle Passage

Alistair Campbell focuses heavily on the Middle Passage in his Drama- 'Anansi'. Express your opinions on the Middle Passage. Express clearly how the knowledge you have gained impacted you.


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  3. I feel that the Middle Passage was truly one of the worst events to take place in history. So many lives lost and so many thrown away. After reading this play, I was very emotional because if slavery didn't exist, Africa would have been a more powerful and more developed nation. The whites took bought a lot of pain unto the African people but I really liked the fact that they could not steal the culture and tradition from the Africans.

  4. I feel that the Middle Passage was truly one of the worst events to take place in history. So many lives lost and so many thrown away. After reading this play, I was very emotional because if slavery didn't exist, Africa would have been a more powerful and more developed nation. The whites took bought a lot of pain into the African people but I really liked the fact that they could not steal the culture and tradition from the Africans.

  5. I feel that the middle passage which was the slave trade of Africans by the Europeans was unfair to the African nation. These people were forcefully taken away from their mother country and shipped of like they were not even human. The Europeans were racist and believed what they were doing was right when it was actually wrong. This new found knowledge helped me to realize that this is very much real and alive today. The enslavement of the Africans was a huge downfall for their country, what could of been one of the most powerful nations today was striped of any hope the day their enslavement began.

  6. I feel that the middle passage which was the slave trade of Africans by the Europeans was unfair to the African nation. These people were forcefully taken away from their mother country and shipped of like they were not even human. The Europeans were racist and believed what they were doing was right when it was actually wrong. This new found knowledge helped me to realize that this is very much real and alive today. The enslavement of the Africans was a huge downfall for their country, what could of been one of the most powerful nations today was striped of any hope the day their enslavement began.

  7. The middle passage was a devastating rout to the Caribbean that my ancestors were forced to be apart of by the Europeans. The play gave a real vivid description about the horrible treatment of the slaves. This knowledge made me realise the true pain that were forced upon the Africans. It now gives me a different perspective about where I came from and where I am going.

  8. I feel that the middle passage was one of the most cruel things done to black people. The Europeans sailed across the ocean with thousands of african slaves and many died at sea. I learnt that some of the Africans in those ships were very strong, beacause they knew that they would survive. It made me realize that if these people were not strong while being torchered and killed I could not have been here today, and black people would not be free.

  9. I think the middle passage was one of the most devastating and one of the most important parts of histiry. The way the Europeans treated our ancestors with such cruelty. They were beaten,ill treated, thrown away and much worst. The play depicts how the Europeans would capture the Africans and then tie them up and beat them. And for how they were brutal they were also racist, they believed that black people were made to be slaves and only work under them and to never be treated as people. But it is this very time in history that we look to for strength, just as the Africans looked to the Anansi stories in their time of hardship. The play and the middle passage helped me to see that no matter what I may be going through, if it wasn't for what the Africans went through our society and lives today could have been awful. And now every time I'm going through a hard time I say to myself "someone had/has it worst.

  10. I think that the Middle Passage was one of the worst things to happen to Africans, but it was also a very defining moment for us as a people. It was very unfair that the Europeans robbed our ancestors of their homeland, a place where they grew up, which held many memories for them, tried to rob them of their culture, tried to colonize them, rob them of their identity and most of all treat them so inhumanely. This new found knowledge made me realize and think about many things. It made me realize how strong the African people are. It really opened my eyes as to how much of a bad past my ancestors went through and made me appreciate all the little things I take for granted. It made me wonder how powerful, how rich, how great of a nation Africa would have been if it was not for this horrendous slave trade. It taught me to appreciate my African and West Indian culture. Most importantly to me, it taught me the power of the mind, if the African people were not as strong as they were, many many more of them would have died during this hardship, this just shows that if you have a strong mind you can overcome anything.

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  13. I believe that in the life lived by the Africans the middle passage was the worst that they have ever suffered. The Europeans treated the Africans like old stuff, goods with no value worth nothing. In my opinion I think that even animals would have been treated better than the Africans. They were barely feed, they were packed up together no fresh air, they were walked on , spat on. After I read the anansi, it was so sad and depressing that I could have cried but mowing that my crying would not change anything I held it back in. Africans are very strong people even in the play that was shown how they told stories and educated each other. I believe that Africans deserve more respect and one day we will become victorious.

  14. I believe that in the life lived by the Africans the middle passage was the worst that they have ever suffered. The Europeans treated the Africans like old stuff, goods with no value worth nothing. In my opinion I think that even animals would have been treated better than the Africans. They were barely feed, they were packed up together no fresh air, they were walked on , spat on. After I read the anansi, it was so sad and depressing that I could have cried but mowing that my crying would not change anything I held it back in. Africans are very strong people even in the play that was shown how they told stories and educated each other. I believe that Africans deserve more respect and one day we will become victorious.

  15. In my opinion, the middle passage was very cruel and unfair. The Africans did not have to be treated that way. The Europeans treated them like they were nothing. They packed them together, no space to turn laying in their own filth, little to eat. That is not the way to treat people, human beings just like them, treated like animals.
    After reading 'Anansi' I was rally touched, I didn't know they treated the Africans in such a bad way, I was almost heart broken after reading this book, to see them treat human beings that way, babies also. This book thought me how to appreciate where I come from because it is and always will be my homeland no matter where I go.

  16. The middle passage was a very dark time for Africans, .I believe that middle passage was very cruel ,if I were to be taken out of my own country and separated from my family and toss a boat were I was treated badly, been brutally hit and suffering with food maybe once a day , living in my own dirty and smelly filthand chain up like a wild bear I would be scared frighten and confuse.I this story I saw the cruelty of the white to the Africans and how they use their knowledge and god as an excuse to treat them badly.I wonder what if it had been the other way around the whites would have not liked it either

  17. The middle passage was a very dark time for Africans, .I believe that middle passage was very cruel ,if I were to be taken out of my own country and separated from my family and toss a boat were I was treated badly, been brutally hit and suffering with food maybe once a day , living in my own dirty and smelly filthand chain up like a wild bear I would be scared frighten and confuse.I this story I saw the cruelty of the white to the Africans and how they use their knowledge and god as an excuse to treat them badly.I wonder what if it had been the other way around the whites would have not liked it either

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  19. The middle passage is one of the worst things that happened to the Africans. They amount of pain and suffering that they had to endure was unbelievable and unnecessary. They were treated like animals instead of the human beings they were and deserved to be treated like. They were forced to lay in their own filth and they were thrown away like objects which is what the Europeans believed they were. After reading 'Anansi' I realised how strong the African people are. During the years of slavery the Africans faced they remained strong. Africans continue to suffer from the effects of slavery but they remain strong and brave knowing that after all they went through they were able to hold onto their pride and culture. This teaches me to be proud of my ancestors and my culture because of how much my ancestors fought to keep it alive

  20. I learned that the middle passage was the Atlantic slave trade and the African were brought on that slave trade. This was one of the most cruel events that happened worldwide. The Africans were forced and beaten on the trade. Some couldn't bear the pain so they committed suicide. This story teaches me that I should carry my culture wherever I go and I could appreciate my country.

  21. I learned that the middle passage was the Atlantic slave trade and the African were brought on that slave trade. This was one of the most cruel events that happened worldwide. The Africans were forced and beaten on the trade. Some couldn't bear the pain so they committed suicide. This story teaches me that I should carry my culture wherever I go and I could appreciate my country.

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  22. The middle passage was one of the most cruel events to happen in history. The Europeans took a sadistic pleasure in tormenting the Africans. They were treated like they were nothing. Nobody deserves to face what they did. The Europeans showed such disrespect to human life.
    After reading Anansi I was emotional. It was heart breaking to even visualise the conditions of where they were held and the inhumane treatment they were challenged with. This taught me to have a sense of respect towards my ancestors after all they went through.

  23. The middle passage was one of the most cruel events to happen in history. The Europeans took a sadistic pleasure in tormenting the Africans. They were treated like they were nothing. Nobody deserves to face what they did. The Europeans showed such disrespect to human life.
    After reading Anansi I was emotional. It was heart breaking to even visualise the conditions of where they were held and the inhumane treatment they were challenged with. This taught me to have a sense of respect towards my ancestors after all they went through.

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  24. The middle passage is the most devastating and undescribeabele event in history. The europeans treated the africans like goods and animals ,they had no mercy on them, they fed them little and they had no space to breathe.Some commited suicide because they couldn't think of being anywhere else but their country.
    After reading 'Anansi' i was speechless and couldn't think of an emotion that suited best for how i felt. The story was sad,as terrible as life in the hold was there was hope, a connection and unity between the slaves. a lesson i learned is that no matter how captive your body might be your mind is always working and free. Not only did the europeans made Africa a stonger nation , they helped them realise who they are as one people and helped them keep our culture alive.

  25. I believe that the middle passage was very inhumane. So many people died. They were forced to leave their homelands and were forced to move to another country. After reading 'Anansi' I was deeply saddened at the way the Europeans treated the Africans. They treated them like they were animals instead of pround human beigns and thought of them as cargo. After this the Africans were recognized as strong people.

  26. In my opinion, the middle passage was a cruel and disturbing thing to do to human beings. The book made me realise how they did not have to be treated differently because of their skin color. Being held captive on a ship compacted with many people, chained together and sleeping in your own filth was just not something that any innocent human should go through. The Europeans had no mercy and showed that they didnt care at all. Many people died. Some got thrown into the sea, some died because of illness and others committed suicide sine they could not take in the suffering anymore. But because of pride courage and wisdom they were able to make it and keep their culture alive.

  27. before reading the book 'Anansi', i did not have a lot of knowledge on the middle passage. But now that i have, i am disgusted as to what they did blacks back then. What the Europeans did them was awful and sad. They kept them down where they were forced to live in there own filth, where they barely were fed and taken care of, where there was little sunlight and fresh air. They treated them as though they were nothing, and took away their freedom and beliefs. I never heard detailed stories of the slave trade, but now that i have, i'll never talk down or make fun of our ancestors again now that i know what they have been through.

  28. before reading the book 'Anansi', i did not have a lot of knowledge on the middle passage. But now that i have, i am disgusted as to what they did blacks back then. What the Europeans did them was awful and sad. They kept them down where they were forced to live in there own filth, where they barely were fed and taken care of, where there was little sunlight and fresh air. They treated them as though they were nothing, and took away their freedom and beliefs. I never heard detailed stories of the slave trade, but now that i have, i'll never talk down or make fun of our ancestors again now that i know what they have been through.

  29. The middle passage was a part of the ocean which probably has the most lost spirits due to the fact that many innocent people died. In the book i learnt that where the story from anansi came from. Anansi was sent as a source of comfort for the Africans, as an attempt yo keep them alive and allowed them to bond while in the hole.In the hole we see that the old woman teaches the young girl how to survive in Jamaica by telling her stories with morals. Also
    Anansi was a part of the mother land, to remind the Africans and
    their unborn children about Africa.
    In the book i see how cruel the Europeans really were. The conditions they had to endure were not imaginable. They slept on shelves in their own filth, only getting the same meal once everyday. They got a few minutes of fresh air every day. These conditions took a lot of strength to live in and after reading the book I respect my elders.

  30. It was very sad and I think we should appreciate our ancestors a lot more. we should not look at the middle east as only a sad part of history we should also look on the bright side, if the Africans did not go through all of that, i dont think that we would be such a strong people today.

  31. It was very sad and I think we should appreciate our ancestors a lot more. we should not look at the middle east as only a sad part of history we should also look on the bright side, if the Africans did not go through all of that, i dont think that we would be such a strong people today.

  32. The Middle passage was very depressing,heartbreaking,saddening and frightening to me. The way the whites treated the African slaves were worst than how pigs were kept for they had to sleep in their own filth and barely got air water and food there clothes were not even changed for they wore dirty rags,for this was so unbearable for some they killed themselves. They were treated and referred to as cargo and for human beings to be treated like such is just disgusting.This story had a huge impact on me letting me know that i am powerful i can be and do such great things even when I am treated as small as a spider.

  33. The imagination of the Middle Passage is quite horrifying and depressing. The fact that so many lives were lost and not cared for, breaks my heart and weakens my spirit. The Africans had been beaten, robbed and had been forced under slavery through the middle passage. So many bodies were thrown into the ocean dead or half-dead. So many people committed suicide by throwing themselves in the ocean instead of having to continue such a tormenting and stressful journey filled with such humiliation and wicked people. I think that the middle passage was the worse form of human trafficking of all times. This had a massive impact on me, and made me realize that if the Africans could survive the worse form of human trafficking of all time, with the use of their mental strength and the lack of their physical strength makes me feel powerful.

  34. The middle passage was a very devastating time for our ancestors. The Europeans were racist, and took the Africans from their motherland and sold them like they were goods. They had the Africans living in their own filth, getting food once a day, and also seeing and getting fresh air. People who were sick was to be thrown overboard because they were found "useless". The Europeans treated them like garbage, where they are humans just like them. After reading the Anansi Stories, I realised how strong the Africans were in mind. They did not let the Europeans win,  although they were worked and pushed to the edge, they were still able to see freedom, although all may have not. I am disgusted by racism. The Africans have taught me how strong the power of the mind is, and how you can fight whatever battle that comes your way.

  35. The middle passage was a very sad part of the Africans lives. It was sad that so many had to die for no reason. I found the middle passage very unpleasant but the fact that the Africans would use their culture in such a horrifying situation to stay alive pushes aside the fact that they were ill-treated unnecessarily, just a little bit. It was pleasing to see how our culture can help us so greatly in any situation as long as you believe in it and stand up for it, every step of the way. The middle passage shows how beautiful culture can be in any situation whether good or bad. Culture always helps us find our way.

  36. This was a passage used to forcefully bring the west africans to the Caribbean. This very sad because the Africans were being taking away from there motherland African n taken to the Caribbean. Thought this saddens them it is also a sign of a new peaople together in unitu. It was very heartbreaking to see the Europeans try to destroy a people, a culture and to kill people for no particular or necessary reason.

  37. From my stand point, the middle passage was one of agony. The Africans suffered terribly and were in great discomfort. They were treated like animals by the Europeans. They degraded the Africans, attempted to take away their pride and their tradition. Anansi brought to them the power of the mind. He was the power of something much greater; small, but mighty. Our culture is an important component of our identity and it is very critical to our self-worth. The Africans taught me to remain humble and strong and to respect my ancestors for their dedication in keeping our heritage together.

  38. The Middle Passage, the route of the slave trade was one of the most cruel and horrifying times in history. The African were removed from their mother country Africa and aboard ships to be sold as slaves. The Europeans were very unfair to the African and treated them like animals and tried to strip them from their own African culture and into their European culture. Some of the Africans committed suicide and some died from illness and starvation. But some of them held on and stayed alive until the end of the journey, with the company of each other by staying united and as a family and by not using physical strength but mental strength, the power of the mind. From this I learn that with a powerful and positive mindset I can go anywhere and do anything and not be broken down easily.

    1. i agree with what my classmate clowayna said for it is true because they were going through a tough time and some thought that suicide was the way out but others held on strong to their faith, wit and courage and they also kept there anansi stories to keep them going.

    2. i agree with what my classmate clowayna said for it is true because they were going through a tough time and some thought that suicide was the way out but others held on strong to their faith, wit and courage and they also kept there anansi stories to keep them going.

  39. the middle age passage was the most traggic things that my ancestors the african people went through for they were robbed of their homeland and they were beaten soled and treated like they were not people for they saw us as beasts because we were diffrent. this helps me to realize how strong my people were to go through all that pain and torture and most of them survived it i also appreciate them so much for if they did not stand up and stop the slave trade it could have probably continued today and we could be slaves or the whole african race could have been wiped out. i also love the way the way in which the africans survived this horrible trade was that they had power of the mind and it kept them going and i can also learn something from this no atter what im going through if i have power from the mind i can overcome any and everything.
