Sunday 6 March 2016

Cultural Preservation

Explain how your reading of 'Anansi' by Alistair Campbell, impacted your views on cultural preservation.


  1. My reading of "Anansi" taught me to appreciate my culture. The African people passed on all of their stories so that the future generations would have that piece of Africa within them. If not for the Africans preserving their culture, West Indians may have been just as heartless and inhumane as the Whites. The West Indies would never have been as culturally unique as it is today.

  2. My reading of "Anansi" taught me to appreciate my culture. The African people passed on all of their stories so that the future generations would have that piece of Africa within them. If not for the Africans preserving their culture, West Indians may have been just as heartless and inhumane as the Whites. The West Indies would never have been as culturally unique as it is today.

  3. When I read 'Anansi', it had an impact on my views of cultural preservation. The Africans had kept their culture alive on the journey by telling the Anansi stories, to this day these stories are popular around the world. I think that different countries should learn from the Africans, by teaching themselves the importance of their culture and why no matter the circumstances, to keep it going. The Africans had carried out their culture even when they were in slavery, so their is no reason why we would not be able to preserve ours.

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  5. I now realize that cultural preservation is crucial for a nation so that they may always have some sort of identity. I now understand that without any proper knowledge of your culture, you are considered to be an empty vessel, wondering the earth completely ignorant about your history. This is because if one is to leave his or her country, has children or is exposed to another culture that their own cultural history remains and gets passed on. When reading 'Anansi' by Alistair Cambell I understood that culture is soo strong that without the stories the Africans would not have been mentally strong enough to complete the journey.

  6. After reading "Anansi" it really hit me on how important culture preservation is. The Africans had their cultures like Anansi and even though they were capured and robbed of everything they had, they still managed to keep their culture alive. They kept their culture because its their way living its kind of like they can't live without it. They passed on their culture on the slave trade because it was a way to keep their people alive. I think culture should be preserved because it is our culture that is our identity, it is what makes us who we are today.

  7. After reading Anansi I feel that I really need to preserve my culture. Many times we are so quick to adopt the European cultures, the same Europeans who treated our ancestors like dirt. But we do not see how important it is to preserve ours. Our culture is very important because it is what makes us African. It gives us a sense of belonging to group of people. The Africans let their culture live on in them although they were stripped of everything that they had. But the Europeans couldn't take their minds. They passed on stories from generation to generation so that their culture would never die.

  8. After reading 'Anansi' by Alistair Campbell, I realize how important cultural preservation is. If we forget or disregard our culture, we are doing exactly what the Europeans wanted. The Europeans tried to rob the Africans of their culture, tried to colonize them, rob them of their identity, of what made them African. After reading this it made me appreciate my culture more and realize how important it is to us as Caribbean people. If we do not appreciate and pass down our culture to the generations to come, we will become a people with no substance, we will have nothing unique or special about us to call our own. This is not what/how our ancestors intended for us to become.

  9. Having read Anansi, i became more aware that culture is my identity, it is the weapon that gives me power over foreign forces. I see the struggles that the Africans went through on the trans Atlantic voyage and how hard they worked to preserve their culture and the power of the mind. More should be done to preserve culture because in this modern day time culture is slowly being influenced and changed by outsiders. it is our duty to conserve and appreciate the blood and sweat of our ancestors. Culture should be protected at all costs for it is what makes us who we are and will be the very thing that will mold us into who we are too become.

  10. Having read Anansi, i became more aware that culture is my identity, it is the weapon that gives me power over foreign forces. I see the struggles that the Africans went through on the trans Atlantic voyage and how hard they worked to preserve their culture and the power of the mind. More should be done to preserve culture because in this modern day time culture is slowly being influenced and changed by outsiders. it is our duty to conserve and appreciate the blood and sweat of our ancestors. Culture should be protected at all costs for it is what makes us who we are and will be the very thing that will mold us into who we are too become.

  11. I think me reading the play "Anansi" did impact the way I feel about cultural preservation in a good way because I always felt like my culture is who I am on the inside and out. However now that I have seen how the Africans held onto the Anansi stories so they may survive this horrible time in history, I also see even clearer than before that without our culture we would all be the same person walking around. Without our culture we have no real personality and no real knowledge of ourselves. And so it is for these reasons culture should always be protected and preserved for it is the one thing which helps determine who we really are and who we are supposed to be in the future, and will do the same for the future generations to come.

  12. Reading the play Anansi has really touched me and made me think, not just think but to turn around and start appreciating my culture I became more aware of my culture and realized that this is what will help me make it through life. Culture preservation is very important, most times we are to ashamed of our culture and are always ready to adopt others culture. Our culture is very important, it makes us African and gives us a sense of belonging. The Africans took their culture everywhere the went, their was telling stories even when they were suffering they told stories the Europeans took all that they had but one think that they did not have a chance of taking was their intelligence, that is what was the Africans strongest weapon against the Europeans and they did take advantage of it they used it and continued living their culture on.

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  17. Reading the play Anansi has really touched me and made me think, not just think but to turn around and start appreciating my culture I became more aware of my culture and realized that this is what will help me make it through life. Culture preservation is very important, most times we are to ashamed of our culture and are always ready to adopt others culture. Our culture is very important, it makes us African and gives us a sense of belonging. The Africans took their culture everywhere the went, their was telling stories even when they were suffering they told stories the Europeans took all that they had but one think that they did not have a chance of taking was their intelligence, that is what was the Africans strongest weapon against the Europeans and they did take advantage of it they used it and continued living their culture on.

  18. By reading Anansi, I was able to realize the great impact culture can have on a people. The Africans were exposed to such hardships and even through that they were able to hold on to their culture. It is with immense pleasure that we can now enjoy these stories all because of the Africans. These people were such strong individuals that whatever they had in Africa they brought it with them no matter what. This is a great display of the major impacts culture has on its people.

  19. The story Anansi has taught me many things but the one thing that I learn from it, is to respect and appreciate my past ancesors,cutlture and my life in the 21 century,because the pain and suffering that the Afrians faced was because they had no freedom and could not stand up for themselves but now we have freedom and we are all independent if we CHOOSE to be .Anansi is a great reminder of the suffering the Afrians went through because of the whites and is great insirpation because it teaches you that if you are wise ,smart and imaginative you can't get through anything

  20. The story Anansi has taught me many things but the one thing that I learn from it, is to respect and appreciate my past ancesors,cutlture and my life in the 21 century,because the pain and suffering that the Afrians faced was because they had no freedom and could not stand up for themselves but now we have freedom and we are all independent if we CHOOSE to be .Anansi is a great reminder of the suffering the Afrians went through because of the whites and is great insirpation because it teaches you that if you are wise ,smart and imaginative you can't get through anything

  21. After reading 'Anansi' I learnt that I must always appreciate my culture and where I come from because the Africans went through so much in the slave trade, but what did they do? They always kept their culture going no matter what. The Africans always appreciated where they came from and they united using their culture from their mother country African and this thought me that culture preservation is very important and it units and makes us one, so I must start appreciating my culture at this very young age and continue as I grow older.

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  23. Reading 'Anansi' opened my eyes to how important it is to appreciate my culture. The Africans were stripped of everything dear to them such as their families, their rights, their homes and their dignity but two things that could not be taken away from them were their pride and culture. Culture was one of the only things they had to remind them of their homes. It is important to preserve our culture because it is something that our ancestors fought hard to hold on to for future generations. We should appreciate our culture because it is just one small things we can do to acknowledge and commemorate the suffering the Africans had to endure to hold onto their culture.

  24. Reading 'Anansi' opened my eyes to how important it is to appreciate my culture. The Africans were stripped of everything dear to them such as their families, their rights, their homes and their dignity but two things that could not be taken away from them were their pride and culture. Culture was one of the only things they had to remind them of their homes. It is important to preserve our culture because it is something that our ancestors fought hard to hold on to for future generations. We should appreciate our culture because it is just one small things we can do to acknowledge and commemorate the suffering the Africans had to endure to hold onto their culture.

  25. Reading 'Anansi' taught me to appreciate my culture. The African people kept their culture alive by telling stories. The people held on to their culture even though they were in captivity. It shows us how important culture is. We have to conserve and appreciate our culture so that generation to come will know about it. I realize how special culture is to me. Our Culture will not be lost and this will prevent it from being forgotten. It will live on and our people will not adopt other cultures.

  26. Reading 'Anansi' taught me to appreciate my culture. The African people kept their culture alive by telling stories. The people held on to their culture even though they were in captivity. It shows us how important culture is. We have to conserve and appreciate our culture so that generation to come will know about it. I realize how special culture is to me. Our Culture will not be lost and this will prevent it from being forgotten. It will live on and our people will not adopt other cultures.

  27. After reading Anansi, I learned that I should respect and have degnity in my culture. The Africans survived by mainly appreciating and carrying their culture with them. If it wasn't for their culture, I think a lot of them would've lost courage and their would've been a higher rate of suicide on the slave trade. The Africans was proud of where they came from, and appreciating their culture made them one body.

  28. The story of Anansi taught me to have pride in my African culture. The African whpent through a lot of pain and misery and I should be proud to say that my people had the wisdom and courage to stay alive. They passed on stories that has great moral values that we can all learn from. With out their strong faith in culture they made it through their captivity. And I need to realize that this is what made them unique, their strong pride in their culture.

  29. After reading 'Anansi' i realise that i should be proud of who i am and where i came from. The culture of a country says alot about its people and that country. In the book i realise that even though the people where captive and was away from home they did not forget who are they are and where they came from. Through the stories of Anansi they felt a form of assurance and the feeling of being at home because story telling was part of their culture. They did not lose hope or most would have killed themselves and others would have give up but they stayed strong to keep their race and stories alive and they taught the younger genarations on the boat the stories that they learned.
    I learned that i have to preserve my culture for the next generation to come to know about their country and ancestors, sometimes are quick to adopt a new culture without realising what we have. We need to keep our culture alive so that it is not forgotten and it's the least we can do to show our respect and appreciation to our ancestors and to follow in their footsteps.

  30. The story of Anansi taught me to have pride in my African culture. The African whpent through a lot of pain and misery and I should be proud to say that my people had the wisdom and courage to stay alive. They passed on stories that has great moral values that we can all learn from. With out their strong faith in culture they made it through their captivity. And I need to realize that this is what made them unique, their strong pride in their culture.

    1. We should appreciate them for what they have passed on to us and we should not only appreciate them but should applaud them because they could have killed themselves like the others but they kept going especially looking at the circumstances.

  31. The story of Anansi has taught me to appreciate my culture. Culture kept the little girl in the hold alive. The stories told in the hold while they were on their way to Jamaica were passed down through Africa, and even through the toughest times they thought about their homeland and that kept them going. Your culture impacts your views, your belief, your character even. I realized my culture is who i am, and i should appreciate it and take part in it in all ways possible.

  32. After readying anansi I learned that without our culture we would not know who we are and the place we originated from.The Africans were taken from their home place and brought to another place to work as slaves but they will never forget one thing,which is thier culture.This impact me by taking my culture more seriously and pass it on to others.Because it mademade me the person I am today.

  33. After readying anansi I learned that without our culture we would not know who we are and the place we originated from.The Africans were taken from their home place and brought to another place to work as slaves but they will never forget one thing,which is thier culture.This impact me by taking my culture more seriously and pass it on to others.Because it mademade me the person I am today.

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  35. Culture is like an identity, a form of unity of a people. After reading Anansi and learning of the slave trade, it has taught me that culture is precious, and may be stripped from us at anytime. This is why the preservation of culture is important, culture is like a family, it gives us a sense of familiarity and identity and makes us feel like we belong somewhere. We cannot go on or live life without our identity or sense of belonging, can we? Culture keeps us headstrong, as it determines who we really are, and we wouldn't want this sort of special identity to go without preservation, would we? Conclusively I believe that the preservation of culture is very important and should be seen as a normal priorities in our lives. Culture is a treasure.

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  37. Our culture is basically where we came from; what happened before you came to be. Our African culture is one of the most painful, especially when we look back on what they did to our ancestors, but in the book we see they kept going and the elders ensured that our culture went on to the younger generation to be able to be passed on to us. In the book I see where real strength comes from, how strong people can really get. We do alot of things which are not or our culture but us mixing cultures creates a new culture, which is not bad at all. But when mixing cultures we should never forget where we came from, we should never forget what our ancestors went through for us and we should never look down on our race, we are a beautiful people and when united we see how strong we can really be.

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  40. .......Culture, we need that, yet still many of us neglect that. After I read "Anansi" I realized that the way that my culture is being noticed these days is not the way it should be noticed, culture should be on a high level of acceptance and it should be seen in everything that is done by a person representing that particular culture. Anansi has taught me that I should appreciate my culture, I should love and accept my culture, and it doesn't matter where I am going or where I have been, I should always remember my culture and I should always make it be a part of me, because without the acceptance and the use of my culture then maybe my life wouldn't be as unique as it is or maybe I would not be filled with confidence or see potential in myself. So therefore, I really appreciate the fact that 'Anansi" was written, in such a way that allows me to reflect deeply on how important Culture is to me.

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  42. After reading ' Anansi' by Alistair Cambelle, it has made me realize how important and strong culture is. According to Google, Culture is the way of life of a group of people - the behaviors, beliefs and symbols they accept, generally without thinking about them , and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one gestation to a next.
    After reading how the African girl and woman used their culture to develop their faith and wisdom it has made me realize why it it important to preserve the culture I was born into because I never know what situation I could end up in that could involve me needed some sort of wisdom and faith. One cannot simply survive life and it's obstacles with some form of culture. The culture that they were raised in.

  43. After reading an Anans, my appreciation for my culture has increased. The African people did not allow the Europeans to break or diminish their culture. Instead they passed it. Our culture needs to be preserved as someone can brain wash you into forgetting about it. Even when the Africans were captured and ripped from their homes, they kept their strong culture with them.

  44. After reading "Anansi" , my appreciation for my culture has increased. The African people did not allow the Europeans to break or diminish their culture. Instead they passed it. Our culture needs to be preserved as someone can brain wash you into forgetting about it. Even when the Africans were captured and ripped from their homes, they kept their strong culture with them.

  45. Upon reading 'Anansi' by Alistair Campbell, it has taught me to appreciate my culture more. As a nation we have to be committed to our history and our heritage. We should understand our past so that we can relate it to our present and along the way progress it into our future. Culture is remembering our ancestors and the sacrifices that they all made to create a better life for future generations so that that legacy can be passed on.

    1. i agree on what cheyenne is saying for anansi has taught us alot about our culture . it does shows us how strong we are when we are united and that our sacrificed eveything for us and that our culture can be passed on to generations and generations after us.

  46. Culture is what makes a peaople. Personally I think without our roots, heritage, cultures and traditions weather it be meantal verbal or pgsical we are nothing. It is important that we embrace n preserve of our culture for our future generation. To show to them who were and want them to continue to be in honour of our history not only as blacks but as europeans, Asians e.t.c

  47. Culture is what makes a peaople. Personally I think without our roots, heritage, cultures and traditions weather it be meantal verbal or pgsical we are nothing. It is important that we embrace n preserve of our culture for our future generation. To show to them who were and want them to continue to be in honour of our history not only as blacks but as europeans, Asians e.t.c

  48. the way in which anansi impacted on my view of culture is that. cultures defines a people for without culture who would we all be? culture helps to remind us of who we are and where we came from. culture also shows us the importance of our heritage and i have learned the importance of culture through anansi because there are many lessons showing the importance of our african culture becaus that is what makes us strong and it also reminds us who we are no matter where in the world we live

  49. the way in which anansi impacted on my view of culture is that. cultures defines a people for without culture who would we all be? culture helps to remind us of who we are and where we came from. culture also shows us the importance of our heritage and i have learned the importance of culture through anansi because there are many lessons showing the importance of our african culture becaus that is what makes us strong and it also reminds us who we are no matter where in the world we live

  50. After reading Anansi I would say that cultural preservation is very important. Culture is what makes us who we are. The Africans kept their culture and did not let the Europeans brain wash them into picking up their European culture. The Africans passed on their culture to the other generations and we can see this when the elderly woman is passing on the Anansi stories to the young girl. Our culture also reminds us about our ancestors and how and why our lifestyle came about.
