“The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.” Should memories be shared with the citizens despite how bad they may be?
I think that the people should be able to receive the memories, and I say that because I believe that everyone should have a right to know what is going on in the community. And if the people doesn't know how do they have a sense of wisdom and that shouldn't be something that only one person should have. Everyone should have wisdom so that in the future they can assist the younger generation. I also think that the memories should be fore everyone so that the people could have a sense of humanity. And what I mean by humanity is that with the memories they would get experience every feeling there is like happyness, sadness, loneliness, and even love. Having everyone with the memories wouldn't just build a person but a whole community.
The memoies should be able to be shared with the people because what's the purpose of life if you don't know your past. The memories would make their lives much more meaningful and enjoyable. They would be able to see colour, they could know love and the could enjoy life for what it is. Life cannot be perfect, no matter how hard we try tho make it seem perfect. The people would not only be able tho experience the good but also the bad. They would know pain and imperfection. All of this should not be left for just one person to bear. It is very unfair to the receivers of memory because they have to bear all of the pain and happiness by themselves and they are not able to share the memories with anyone, not even their families. This is why Jonas was very unhappy after he saw what his father had done the other twin. He thought that it was unfair and he decided to change everything by running away so that the memories would be shared with the community. The memories could be free and everyone would be able to experience pain, sadness, love, loneliness and happiness.
I fully agree with Sarita, the memories make their lives more meaningful instead of just the same boring lifestyle every single day. They would have more things to enjoy about life.
I disagree with Sarita. You have to keep in mind that these people have never ever been exposed to emotion. You are thinking as a human ofcorse because you have things and people you cherish and love and can't imagine living without them, but theses people are completely clueless; one tramatic experience for a normal human can shatter years of happiness, so imagine these people (who are clueless) being exposed to centuries upon centuries of war, hatred and blood shed, everything engraved in their minds... thousands upon thousand of teamatic scenes wouldn't that overpower a lifetime of sunshine and pretty rainbows? Think of it. And why should everyone be in agony because ONE man is lonely? Keep and open mind and put yourself in the shoes of a common man in the giver
The memories held by The Giver, both good and bad should be shared amongst the members of the community. It is seen in the novel that the Giver who is said to appear extremely old, is actually not as old as he looks. This is ironic since they live in a society that is very advanced in science and technology. It tells us that the weight of holding all of those memories over an extensive period of time significantly drained him. However, the true pain that comes from concealing the memories is the fact that others have no ability to understand them even though they speak and understand extremely detailed and emotive language (precision of language). This now leads to Jonas leaving the society therefore releasing the memories onto the community. I think that in doing so Jonas allowed the members of the community to experience positive human emotions even though they came at the expense of great confusion. With this newfound knowledge the citizens can now realize what they have been lacking. They can now rebuild themselves with knowing that with every negative, there is a positive. Instead of living in a society where everything is seemingly perfect when in reality all the sacrifices made for that perfection is hidden and unknown.
the memories held by the Giver should be shared among the community.We can see in the book that the memories are a burden to the Giver because he has to keep them himself. If they were shared among the people, yes they would bring chaos, but The Giver can help them through it. He can explain the memories and tell them what they mean. After awhile everyone will be used to the memories and it will become their everyday life. Like Jonas said, they would finally be able to "choose". Yes they may make the wrong decision but they will also learn from them. The community will simply be like how ours is today. they should not be hidden from the past. Let them know pain, sorrow, happiness, joy, and most importantly love.
The memories should be shared among the citizens despite how bad they may be. Without memory you cannot feel pain ( emotional pain), as the giver can. In Lois Lowry’s The Giver, we see that the previous receiver of memory, or the giver is said to have all the memories from the past. In the novel the memories are a burden to the Giver because he's not allowed to share any of the memories with anyone except the new receiver, Jonas. If the memories are shared the citizens will be able to make decisions and if making the wrong ones, will learn from them. Without the memories they do not have any knowledge of the past, will make mistakes, and continually repeat them. They only have the memory of their generation, nothing that came before them. They believe that keeping memories from them would prevent them from making the wrong choices; wrong choices may result to chaos. As Jonas continues his training he learns that just as there is no pain without memory, there is also no true happiness.
I agree with Aprille. Besides the fact that the people with feel emotional pain if they received the memories, they should be able to make their own decisions and if they make the wrong decisions they will eventually learn from them and not repeat it. She also makes a point when she says that as Jonas continues his training he will learn there is no pain without memory as well as true happiness.
I fully agree with the point made by Aprille. The memories should be shared with the people of the community to give them a chance to make decisions remembering what they did in the past.
I believe the memories should be shared with the citizens, despite how bad they may be because the memories can help them make good decisions and help them shape their community into something even better on their own. Even though there are bad memories that are difficult to bear, those memories can help the citizens to avoid such situations. Everyone should be able to experience the memories of the past to know what was there before them, and know what the world was like in the past generations. They can learn to appreciate the good and maybe even the bad memories that shaped their future. The citizens should also be able to experience the different feelings that come with the memories, so they can have a clearer picture on what is going on in their society.
I agree with Jaiee's point. The people should have memory to see the past and make better decisions and help the community in the future so that the community would be a better place.
The memories should be shared among the citizens despite how bad they may be. They will help the community in fixing all the wrongs of their present day society and assist in guiding them when making good decisions and hot to react when feeling emotion. The Elders think that keeping the memories from the people will cause no mistakes or problems but they are wrong. Without learning about the bad things from the past no one will be able to learn what not to do in the present. The memories are a huge burden to the giver due to the fact that he is not able to share them with anyone else besides the new receiver, Jonas. In the book after the giver transmits the memory of snow to Jonas he says, "It was exhausting. But you know, even transmitting that tiny memory to you- I think it lightened me just a little.". This shows that after giving away just one memory it lifted a little burden of his shoulders. Citizens of the community deserve the right to receive the memories and to learn right from wrong on their own, to feel emotion even when it may be extremely painful and to be able to see things differently, have a new adventure every day instead of the same daily routine.
I think that memories held by the giver should be shared among the people of the community despite how bad it is. With having the memories they will have a better chance of making decisions. With the people being able to have memories, it gives them a chance to remember what they did in the past and know what to do and what not to do in the present time and the future. If the people have the memories it will help them be a better person, it gives them a possibility to have the power to choose whether they would like to continue being the person they were in the past by doing the same or if they would like to change a be a better person.
A memory is the ability of the mind to store and recall past sensations thoughts and knowledge. The citizens of any community should be allowed to experience pain anxiety and happiness or whatever the memory. If someone recalls a bad memory they can learn from their experience. A memory can either "make or break you". If the people have no knowledge of what has happened before, how can they move on and make wise decisions. Our experiences are a part of our lives, good or bad. It shapes our moods, lives, and gives us reason. It is almost self gratifying when we can say that"it happened to me" or "i had that same experience". It gives one a sense of comfort knowing that others, though they may have a different or similar experience one has gone through it and that we are not alone in this world. It gives us a sense of relief love understanding joy and contentment knowing that we have lived. No memory is the same. Though matter good or bad our memories are all we have. We smile at the thoughts that though matter the experience we have gone through it and survived and become better for it.
I agree with what Darnelle is saying. The citizens of the community will be better relate to each other, telling stories of their past and even things that could have happened two minutes before. They cannot trade stories/tales and cannot relate to each other, if everyone lives the exact same life.
Memory should be shared with the people because I think that everyone should remember things from the past. I think that your memory makes you who you are because with the people having the memories, they remember what happened in the past and they would know the right thing to do in the future. Also, with them having memory they could see what's going on in the society and they may see the society as a better place.
I believe that all the memories should be shared with the people of the community for these reasons. Without these memories the people have no knowledge about their ancestors and where they come from. In the elders' effort to prevent the people from making bad decisions they should tell the people about the mistakes those before them made in order for them not to make those same foolish/stupid mistakes, and from these memories they could make good decisions to benefit themselves in the community. The people of the community can learn from the bad memories and feel joy/happiness from the good. It is not right that the people should live this life revolving only around them, only knowing of the ones around them at the moment. There is a well known saying "without pain how could we know joy", this saying is very true; the citizens are living this happy life but are they really happy? They cannot fully appreciate these happy moments they have now, without knowing of the sad experiences the ones before them took to get them there. One more important reason why the people should know about these memories is to lessen such a burden on the giver and receiver. It is not fair that one person has to carry all that pain and suffering inside. What about his / her own happiness?
Contrary to what my classmates believe, the memories held by The Giver were both good and bad. In my opinion memories should not be shared within the community in 'The Giver'. If there is knowledge of pain and despair from the bad memories, the community would be very chaotic. Thus, to protect the citizens and to maintain peace and order in the community it should not be shared, so that the citizens will not have any burdens to carry. Therefore, having these bad memories shared, the people would have something very negative and influential to follow.
Michelle Morancie I agree with Cheyenne's comment. Knowledge of the past will only erupt in chaos. It is better to protect the people from these bad memories
Reply: I understand Cheyenne's point. However, I do not completely support it. Is it truely fair for a people to be totally deprived from memories that could bring about certain emotions just because it could interfere with the community's "constant" way of life? Although there are many negative memories the Giver can evoke, there are also a lot of positive. Therefore the results of sharing them will not all be detrimental. There will not only be chaos.
Yes ,I believe that the memories should be shared with the people of the society because they deserve to know about the past .I could not image life without without love ,hugs ,sadness or any type of emotions because that what makes a person human and with a society without any flaws or knowledge of it ,life does not seem real.the society should be able to know about their past so they can grow in knowledge
Memories should not be held from citizens but to a certain extent. I think that they should tell the people the good memories and keep the bad ones so that they can prevent suicide and chaos. If they people get good memories this can help them feel happy and excited and show it to each other. This can help them get to know the history of what happened before they existed and how they became like this today. They can be told memories but not everything so that they may not react in a negative way and that they can maintain the same level of peace in the community like before.
A lot of fights are caused by arguments of different opinions on various earthly things. In the novel the society is controlled by lack of knowledge and this makes it close to perfection. It keeps the people in line due to the fact they are not allowed to think very much, everything is thought out for them which makes their lives easier and less chaotic. I think that they should not be given any memories because sme memories are terrible and in the book it says that when the receiver before Jonas saw the hurtful memories she applied for release which proves that not everybody is able to deal with hurtful memories which might cause a lot of suicide and depression in the community causing th society to not work as well as how it is working before they knew everything. However, If the elders decide on letting the community know abot the past, it should be done in a new community. The people in the current community may not react welll to the fact that they were beng lied to. They trust the elders, and them knowing may lead to riots all over that community. Them knowing certain thins may not be all bad but everything has consequences. Them knowing about sexual activities may lead to rape of young girls and beating of women who refuse. In closing i think that they should not be given more knowledge of the past to keep their peace. The society is almost perfect and it should be kept as is.
Reply to dalsha's point :I agree with dalsha that the people should have knowledge of their past to matter how good or bad it is because knowing about the past can help you in the future .
I think that memories should be shared within the people in the community because they should have a level of knowedge of the basic things in life joy , happiness, love , humility and the ability to show emotion and express themselves. A place where these things don't exist to me makes no sense, even though there are some bad memories like pain and suffering i think the people should also experience them because the bad things that happen in life makes you a better person and learning from your mistakes so you don't make them again.
I agree wit sergeline answer the people of the community should be able to have joy, love, happiness ,humility an be able to express themselves. Also experience bad things in life so the people would learn from the mistake that they have made in life.
I believe that the memories should not be shared with the people. Why should an entire community have to suffer for the loneliness of one man? It isn't fair to the people that because one man is lonely, the entire community has to be faced with pain and suffering and all those negative memories that he secretes within himself. On the other hand, even if the community members were to receive the memories, he would still be giving himself a lot of work to help them go through it and teach them how to cope with everything. He could save himself all the trouble and just keep the memories that he is already accustomed to.
I think that the memories should be shared with the peoole of the community because one person may not be able to handle all the pain on their own. The Receiver have someone by his side while he experiences pain. Also for the people of the society to know what The Receiver is going through. However, the city will be very chaotic because will be all over the place. No one will be able to help one another since they are all experiencingthe same thing.
Replying to cheyenne's point i think that the people need to know the memories because knowledge is key to successs sometimes as humans we go through some bad stuff bt it makes us better and we learn from our mistakes. i don't think that the memories should be held away from the people.
Natoya has a point but I still think that they should not have access to the memories because negative memories still out number the positives so they would still experience more bad things. While they would experience love, happiness, joy and freedom, they would still have to cope with pain, suffering, sadness, depression, grief etc. Think of the Reciever before Jonas. She could not even handle the little memories that she received, much less for the people who did not have the capacity to see beyond and were not even selected. So the memories should not be release to the people.
I believe that the government made a good decision by keeping certain memories from the community. It prevents caious from taking place.it keeps the community civilized and orderly. If the memories where shared with them it may cause pain,depression, jelousy,anger and these emotions lead to problems in the community like murder,rape,theft,lies and if this happens the community will be divided, some may turn against the government and all this can be prevented by giving the people a certain memories to live along with.If the community is exposed to such memories this community will no longer be a utopian community as the government was trying to make possible.
I think the memories should be shared with the citizens despite how bad they may be because, without memories they would only know what is going on in their community and not know about the past. Everyone has a right to know about the knowledge in life like the Giver. They also should have knowledge of their ancestors and know about the different colours, music, sadness,happiness, and even pain in life. Aslo be able to share love between each oyher an say "i love you". Should also be able to express thier feelings and find thier own mates.
In my opinion ,the memories should not be released on to the people. The whole point of keeping the memories a secret was to protect the people from the pain and suffering of before. Although it isn't fair that the citizens of the society have to pay for what was done before them but it is what is best for them. The world we know has too many people who are suffering day by day and dying of warfare in the countries they reside. In Lois Lowry's, The Giver the eradication of the memories of before was a great choice. Finally the citizens of the world can live in peace and harmony.
I disagree with my fellow classmate michelle true their are memories of pain and suffering but what about the memories of love and caring for one another. It is true that some of these memories must carry a heavy burden knowin? someone is suffering in the world but we should take it upon ourselves to try to help these people we can make a change in the society we are the ones who have to change it aroind to make the world a better place. Not all memories are bad so i dont think that because there are faulty ones that we should not contain any at all.
In my opinion i believe that memories should be shared amongst the citizens because one man should not be burrdened with all of these memories because they are like a ton of weights on one person shoulders and they can also be very painful and one person shouldn't have to go through that alone. In the novel it ztated thtat there are times that the giver and jonas wouldn't have there training because depending on the memorie tje giver had to call back it would have been to painful for him to cope with. Keeping the memories back takes away from the peoples identity they should be able to know their race their religion their ancestors and their culture and if they do not know these things they basically do not know themselves and they should be able to know these things and not what the people want them tk know. Emotions though emotions may break us down a little emotions arewhat that makes us what we are today and i believe that every mother should be able to hold their children in their arms and be able to tell them that she loves them and show affection memories should also be distributed for that reason. I also think that they should be able to know their religions because Jesus gave up his life so we could live free from sinand they should be able to know that they would be able to go up to heaven to live an eternal life with their heavenly father and not some place called else where. I think that if memories were shared the world would be more fun and exciting with all the bright and vivid colours and knowing that all people are not the same that their are diffrences in all of us and we should be able to make mistakes because they help us to lear. The community's should be able to have memories though they may be painful because they will be because thete are memories of war and people dying of hunger the community can work together to be able to cope.
I don't think the memories should be shared among the citizens of the community because it is kept away from them for a reason. The memories are held from them to keep the society utopian. If the memories were to be shared among the citizens I think there would be a lot of chaos like what is in our world today. In our world today we see how chaotic our world is because the citizens have knowledge of all their past and have different perspectives of everything causing them to disagree and some develop groups whom are against each other and this brings complete disunity of the society where as, compared to the community in ' The giver' it is peaceful and everyone is united because of the lack of knowledge of the past. Having this in mind I think the community would turn into a chaotic and disorganized society like our world today if the memories are to be shared among them.Although it may be unfair that one man has to hold all the memories of the past to himself and suffer the lonliness of having these memories all to himself, it is what keeps the community United and I think the community is just right the way it is.
I believe that the memories shouldn't be shared with the people because of the havoc and chaos it can bring to the community. If the memories were to be shared with them, they would now be able to contribute their own opinion and views on how things should be ran. We as independent people can attest our freedom because we have it and if it was suddenly taken away from us we would not cope so very well. So how would a mass of people cope if they were suddenly exposed to freedom of speech and rights, something they have never heard or experienced before. The nation would be under great stress, hindering their development. Too many voices singing at different pitches that aren't in harmony will ruin a song. Yes, it is true that the people should have a say in the well being of their civilization, but is there any thing to be improved or changed that would significantly contribute to the development of the society? Secondly, releasing the memories would bring agony to the people. In the case of the reciver before Jonas, she was specially chosen based on her uniqueness, skill and capacity to see beyond...chosen from hundreds if others and still was not able to endure the pain of the memories. How would the everyday man manage to cope with it? It would bring epidemics of suicides, homicides, terrorism etc. the very things this utopian society has tried to rid themselves of. The very thing that causes mass destruction around us everyday. Everyone should not have to suffer at the same of one man. This would be unfair to the people who are innocently going about with their lives not knowing of pain, hunger, war, sickness, evil, starvation,greed, loss, heartbreak just to name a few. And even the positives like happiness, love, kindness, passion brings confusion; in pursuit of the greater good, and wanting more. In my opinion the blinder the people are the better they are.
I believed that the memories should be shared because they all needs to know what is going on. One person should not have to keep all the pain to himself he needs to share it talk about it and remember the pains that our ancestors went through kepp them in heart. By sharing the memories the new generation will start thinking better of their past generation and gain a sense of knowledge that with life comes a lot of struggle and giving up is not the answer, just like the Africans they never gave up they went through the struggle and most of them services.
I believed that the memories should be shared because they all needs to know what is going on. One person should not have to keep all the pain to himself he needs to share it talk about it and remember the pains that our ancestors went through kepp them in heart. By sharing the memories the new generation will start thinking better of their past generation and gain a sense of knowledge that with life comes a lot of struggle and giving up is not the answer, just like the Africans they never gave up they went through the struggle and most of them services.
I think that the people should be able to receive the memories, and I say that because I believe that everyone should have a right to know what is going on in the community. And if the people doesn't know how do they have a sense of wisdom and that shouldn't be something that only one person should have. Everyone should have wisdom so that in the future they can assist the younger generation. I also think that the memories should be fore everyone so that the people could have a sense of humanity. And what I mean by humanity is that with the memories they would get experience every feeling there is like happyness, sadness, loneliness, and even love. Having everyone with the memories wouldn't just build a person but a whole community.
ReplyDeleteI agree with makeeda. Everyone should carry the burden of the memories not just the receiver of memory.
DeleteThe memoies should be able to be shared with the people because what's the purpose of life if you don't know your past. The memories would make their lives much more meaningful and enjoyable. They would be able to see colour, they could know love and the could enjoy life for what it is. Life cannot be perfect, no matter how hard we try tho make it seem perfect. The people would not only be able tho experience the good but also the bad. They would know pain and imperfection. All of this should not be left for just one person to bear. It is very unfair to the receivers of memory because they have to bear all of the pain and happiness by themselves and they are not able to share the memories with anyone, not even their families. This is why Jonas was very unhappy after he saw what his father had done the other twin. He thought that it was unfair and he decided to change everything by running away so that the memories would be shared with the community. The memories could be free and everyone would be able to experience pain, sadness, love, loneliness and happiness.
ReplyDeleteI fully agree with Sarita, the memories make their lives more meaningful instead of just the same boring lifestyle every single day. They would have more things to enjoy about life.
DeleteI disagree with Sarita. You have to keep in mind that these people have never ever been exposed to emotion. You are thinking as a human ofcorse because you have things and people you cherish and love and can't imagine living without them, but theses people are completely clueless; one tramatic experience for a normal human can shatter years of happiness, so imagine these people (who are clueless) being exposed to centuries upon centuries of war, hatred and blood shed, everything engraved in their minds... thousands upon thousand of teamatic scenes wouldn't that overpower a lifetime of sunshine and pretty rainbows? Think of it. And why should everyone be in agony because ONE man is lonely? Keep and open mind and put yourself in the shoes of a common man in the giver
DeleteThe memories held by The Giver, both good and bad should be shared amongst the members of the community. It is seen in the novel that the Giver who is said to appear extremely old, is actually not as old as he looks. This is ironic since they live in a society that is very advanced in science and technology. It tells us that the weight of holding all of those memories over an extensive period of time significantly drained him. However, the true pain that comes from concealing the memories is the fact that others have no ability to understand them even though they speak and understand extremely detailed and emotive language (precision of language). This now leads to Jonas leaving the society therefore releasing the memories onto the community. I think that in doing so Jonas allowed the members of the community to experience positive human emotions even though they came at the expense of great confusion. With this newfound knowledge the citizens can now realize what they have been lacking. They can now rebuild themselves with knowing that with every negative, there is a positive. Instead of living in a society where everything is seemingly perfect when in reality all the sacrifices made for that perfection is hidden and unknown.
ReplyDeletethe memories held by the Giver should be shared among the community.We can see in the book that the memories are a burden to the Giver because he has to keep them himself. If they were shared among the people, yes they would bring chaos, but The Giver can help them through it. He can explain the memories and tell them what they mean. After awhile everyone will be used to the memories and it will become their everyday life. Like Jonas said, they would finally be able to "choose". Yes they may make the wrong decision but they will also learn from them. The community will simply be like how ours is today. they should not be hidden from the past. Let them know pain, sorrow, happiness, joy, and most importantly love.
ReplyDeleteThe memories should be shared among the citizens despite how bad they may be. Without memory you cannot feel pain ( emotional pain), as the giver can. In Lois Lowry’s The Giver, we see that the previous receiver of memory, or the giver is said to have all the memories from the past. In the novel the memories are a burden to the Giver because he's not allowed to share any of the memories with anyone except the new receiver, Jonas. If the memories are shared the citizens will be able to make decisions and if making the wrong ones, will learn from them. Without the memories they do not have any knowledge of the past, will make mistakes, and continually repeat them. They only have the memory of their generation, nothing that came before them. They believe that keeping memories from them would prevent them from making the wrong choices; wrong choices may result to chaos. As Jonas continues his training he learns that just as there is no pain without memory, there is also no true happiness.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Aprille, the memories should be shared so that the citizens will be able to make decisions and learn from them.
DeleteI agree with Aprille. Besides the fact that the people with feel emotional pain if they received the memories, they should be able to make their own decisions and if they make the wrong decisions they will eventually learn from them and not repeat it. She also makes a point when she says that as Jonas continues his training he will learn there is no pain without memory as well as true happiness.
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DeleteI fully agree with the point made by Aprille. The memories should be shared with the people of the community to give them a chance to make decisions remembering what they did in the past.
DeleteI believe the memories should be shared with the citizens, despite how bad they may be because the memories can help them make good decisions and help them shape their community into something even better on their own. Even though there are bad memories that are difficult to bear, those memories can help the citizens to avoid such situations. Everyone should be able to experience the memories of the past to know what was there before them, and know what the world was like in the past generations. They can learn to appreciate the good and maybe even the bad memories that shaped their future. The citizens should also be able to experience the different feelings that come with the memories, so they can have a clearer picture on what is going on in their society.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jaiee's point. The people should have memory to see the past and make better decisions and help the community in the future so that the community would be a better place.
DeleteThe memories should be shared among the citizens despite how bad they may be. They will help the community in fixing all the wrongs of their present day society and assist in guiding them when making good decisions and hot to react when feeling emotion. The Elders think that keeping the memories from the people will cause no mistakes or problems but they are wrong. Without learning about the bad things from the past no one will be able to learn what not to do in the present. The memories are a huge burden to the giver due to the fact that he is not able to share them with anyone else besides the new receiver, Jonas. In the book after the giver transmits the memory of snow to Jonas he says, "It was exhausting. But you know, even transmitting that tiny memory to you- I think it lightened me just a little.". This shows that after giving away just one memory it lifted a little burden of his shoulders. Citizens of the community deserve the right to receive the memories and to learn right from wrong on their own, to feel emotion even when it may be extremely painful and to be able to see things differently, have a new adventure every day instead of the same daily routine.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jamilia the people should be able to make choices and learn from their faults and mistakes.
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DeleteI think that memories held by the giver should be shared among the people of the community despite how bad it is. With having the memories they will have a better chance of making decisions. With the people being able to have memories, it gives them a chance to remember what they did in the past and know what to do and what not to do in the present time and the future. If the people have the memories it will help them be a better person, it gives them a possibility to have the power to choose whether they would like to continue being the person they were in the past by doing the same or if they would like to change a be a better person.
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ReplyDeleteA memory is the ability of the mind to store and recall past sensations thoughts and knowledge. The citizens of any community should be allowed to experience pain anxiety and happiness or whatever the memory. If someone recalls a bad memory they can learn from their experience. A memory can either "make or break you". If the people have no knowledge of what has happened before, how can they move on and make wise decisions. Our experiences are a part of our lives, good or bad. It shapes our moods, lives, and gives us reason. It is almost self gratifying when we can say that"it happened to me" or "i had that same experience". It gives one a sense of comfort knowing that others, though they may have a different or similar experience one has gone through it and that we are not alone in this world. It gives us a sense of relief love understanding joy and contentment knowing that we have lived. No memory is the same. Though matter good or bad our memories are all we have. We smile at the thoughts that though matter the experience we have gone through it and survived and become better for it.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Darnelle is saying. The citizens of the community will be better relate to each other, telling stories of their past and even things that could have happened two minutes before. They cannot trade stories/tales and cannot relate to each other, if everyone lives the exact same life.
DeleteMemory should be shared with the people because I think that everyone should remember things from the past. I think that your memory makes you who you are because with the people having the memories, they remember what happened in the past and they would know the right thing to do in the future. Also, with them having memory they could see what's going on in the society and they may see the society as a better place.
ReplyDeleteI believe that all the memories should be shared with the people of the community for these reasons. Without these memories the people have no knowledge about their ancestors and where they come from. In the elders' effort to prevent the people from making bad decisions they should tell the people about the mistakes those before them made in order for them not to make those same foolish/stupid mistakes, and from these memories they could make good decisions to benefit themselves in the community. The people of the community can learn from the bad memories and feel joy/happiness from the good. It is not right that the people should live this life revolving only around them, only knowing of the ones around them at the moment. There is a well known saying "without pain how could we know joy", this saying is very true; the citizens are living this happy life but are they really happy? They cannot fully appreciate these happy moments they have now, without knowing of the sad experiences the ones before them took to get them there. One more important reason why the people should know about these memories is to lessen such a burden on the giver and receiver. It is not fair that one person has to carry all that pain and suffering inside. What about his / her own happiness?
ReplyDeleteContrary to what my classmates believe, the memories held by The Giver were both good and bad. In my opinion memories should not be shared within the community in 'The Giver'. If there is knowledge of pain and despair from the bad memories, the community would be very chaotic. Thus, to protect the citizens and to maintain peace and order in the community it should not be shared, so that the citizens will not have any burdens to carry. Therefore, having these bad memories shared, the people would have something very negative and influential to follow.
ReplyDeleteMichelle Morancie
DeleteI agree with Cheyenne's comment. Knowledge of the past will only erupt in chaos. It is better to protect the people from these bad memories
Reply: I understand Cheyenne's point. However, I do not completely support it. Is it truely fair for a people to be totally deprived from memories that could bring about certain emotions just because it could interfere with the community's "constant" way of life? Although there are many negative memories the Giver can evoke, there are also a lot of positive. Therefore the results of sharing them will not all be detrimental. There will not only be chaos.
ReplyDeleteYes ,I believe that the memories should be shared with the people of the society because they deserve to know about the past .I could not image life without without love ,hugs ,sadness or any type of emotions because that what makes a person human and with a society without any flaws or knowledge of it ,life does not seem real.the society should be able to know about their past so they can grow in knowledge
ReplyDeleteMemories should not be held from citizens but to a certain extent. I think that they should tell the people the good memories and keep the bad ones so that they can prevent suicide and chaos. If they people get good memories this can help them feel happy and excited and show it to each other. This can help them get to know the history of what happened before they existed and how they became like this today. They can be told memories but not everything so that they may not react in a negative way and that they can maintain the same level of peace in the community like before.
ReplyDeleteA lot of fights are caused by arguments of different opinions on various earthly things. In the novel the society is controlled by lack of knowledge and this makes it close to perfection. It keeps the people in line due to the fact they are not allowed to think very much, everything is thought out for them which makes their lives easier and less chaotic. I think that they should not be given any memories because sme memories are terrible and in the book it says that when the receiver before Jonas saw the hurtful memories she applied for release which proves that not everybody is able to deal with hurtful memories which might cause a lot of suicide and depression in the community causing th society to not work as well as how it is working before they knew everything.
ReplyDeleteHowever, If the elders decide on letting the community know abot the past, it should be done in a new community. The people in the current community may not react welll to the fact that they were beng lied to. They trust the elders, and them knowing may lead to riots all over that community. Them knowing certain thins may not be all bad but everything has consequences. Them knowing about sexual activities may lead to rape of young girls and beating of women who refuse.
In closing i think that they should not be given more knowledge of the past to keep their peace. The society is almost perfect and it should be kept as is.
Reply to dalsha's point :I agree with dalsha that the people should have knowledge of their past to matter how good or bad it is because knowing about the past can help you in the future .
ReplyDeleteI think that memories should be shared within the people in the community because they should have a level of knowedge of the basic things in life joy , happiness, love , humility and the ability to show emotion and express themselves. A place where these things don't exist to me makes no sense, even though there are some bad memories like pain and suffering i think the people should also experience them because the bad things that happen in life makes you a better person and learning from your mistakes so you don't make them again.
ReplyDeleteI agree wit sergeline answer the people of the community should be able to have joy, love, happiness ,humility an be able to express themselves. Also experience bad things in life so the people would learn from the mistake that they have made in life.
DeleteI believe that the memories should not be shared with the people. Why should an entire community have to suffer for the loneliness of one man? It isn't fair to the people that because one man is lonely, the entire community has to be faced with pain and suffering and all those negative memories that he secretes within himself. On the other hand, even if the community members were to receive the memories, he would still be giving himself a lot of work to help them go through it and teach them how to cope with everything. He could save himself all the trouble and just keep the memories that he is already accustomed to.
ReplyDeleteI think that the memories should be shared with the peoole of the community because one person may not be able to handle all the pain on their own.
ReplyDeleteThe Receiver have someone by his side while he experiences pain.
Also for the people of the society to know what The Receiver is going through.
However, the city will be very chaotic because will be all over the place.
No one will be able to help one another since they are all experiencingthe same thing.
Replying to cheyenne's point i think that the people need to know the memories because knowledge is key to successs sometimes as humans we go through some bad stuff bt it makes us better and we learn from our mistakes. i don't think that the memories should be held away from the people.
ReplyDeleteReply to Natoya's comment
ReplyDeleteNatoya has a point but I still think that they should not have access to the memories because negative memories still out number the positives so they would still experience more bad things. While they would experience love, happiness, joy and freedom, they would still have to cope with pain, suffering, sadness, depression, grief etc. Think of the Reciever before Jonas. She could not even handle the little memories that she received, much less for the people who did not have the capacity to see beyond and were not even selected. So the memories should not be release to the people.
I believe that the government made a good decision by keeping certain memories from the community. It prevents caious from taking place.it keeps the community civilized and orderly. If the memories where shared with them it may cause pain,depression, jelousy,anger and these emotions lead to problems in the community like murder,rape,theft,lies and if this happens the community will be divided, some may turn against the government and all this can be prevented by giving the people a certain memories to live along with.If the community is exposed to such memories this community will no longer be a utopian community as the government was trying to make possible.
ReplyDeleteI think the memories should be shared with the citizens despite how bad they may be because, without memories they would only know what is going on in their community and not know about the past. Everyone has a right to know about the knowledge in life like the Giver. They also should have knowledge of their ancestors and know about the different colours, music, sadness,happiness, and even pain in life. Aslo be able to share love between each oyher an say "i love you". Should also be able to express thier feelings and find thier own mates.
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ReplyDeleteIn my opinion ,the memories should not be released on to the people. The whole point of keeping the memories a secret was to protect the people from the pain and suffering of before. Although it isn't fair that the citizens of the society have to pay for what was done before them but it is what is best for them. The world we know has too many people who are suffering day by day and dying of warfare in the countries they reside. In Lois Lowry's, The Giver the eradication of the memories of before was a great choice. Finally the citizens of the world can live in peace and harmony.
ReplyDeleteI disagree with my fellow classmate michelle true their are memories of pain and suffering but what about the memories of love and caring for one another. It is true that some of these memories must carry a heavy burden knowin? someone is suffering in the world but we should take it upon ourselves to try to help these people we can make a change in the society we are the ones who have to change it aroind to make the world a better place. Not all memories are bad so i dont think that because there are faulty ones that we should not contain any at all.
DeleteIn my opinion i believe that memories should be shared amongst the citizens because one man should not be burrdened with all of these memories because they are like a ton of weights on one person shoulders and they can also be very painful and one person shouldn't have to go through that alone. In the novel it ztated thtat there are times that the giver and jonas wouldn't have there training because depending on the memorie tje giver had to call back it would have been to painful for him to cope with. Keeping the memories back takes away from the peoples identity they should be able to know their race their religion their ancestors and their culture and if they do not know these things they basically do not know themselves and they should be able to know these things and not what the people want them tk know. Emotions though emotions may break us down a little emotions arewhat that makes us what we are today and i believe that every mother should be able to hold their children in their arms and be able to tell them that she loves them and show affection memories should also be distributed for that reason. I also think that they should be able to know their religions because Jesus gave up his life so we could live free from sinand they should be able to know that they would be able to go up to heaven to live an eternal life with their heavenly father and not some place called else where. I think that if memories were shared the world would be more fun and exciting with all the bright and vivid colours and knowing that all people are not the same that their are diffrences in all of us and we should be able to make mistakes because they help us to lear. The community's should be able to have memories though they may be painful because they will be because thete are memories of war and people dying of hunger the community can work together to be able to cope.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the memories should be shared among the citizens of the community because it is kept away from them for a reason. The memories are held from them to keep the society utopian. If the memories were to be shared among the citizens I think there would be a lot of chaos like what is in our world today. In our world today we see how chaotic our world is because the citizens have knowledge of all their past and have different perspectives of everything causing them to disagree and some develop groups whom are against each other and this brings complete disunity of the society where as, compared to the community in ' The giver' it is peaceful and everyone is united because of the lack of knowledge of the past. Having this in mind I think the community would turn into a chaotic and disorganized society like our world today if the memories are to be shared among them.Although it may be unfair that one man has to hold all the memories of the past to himself and suffer the lonliness of having these memories all to himself, it is what keeps the community United and I think the community is just right the way it is.
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ReplyDeleteI believe that the memories shouldn't be shared with the people because of the havoc and chaos it can bring to the community. If the memories were to be shared with them, they would now be able to contribute their own opinion and views on how things should be ran. We as independent people can attest our freedom because we have it and if it was suddenly taken away from us we would not cope so very well. So how would a mass of people cope if they were suddenly exposed to freedom of speech and rights, something they have never heard or experienced before. The nation would be under great stress, hindering their development. Too many voices singing at different pitches that aren't in harmony will ruin a song. Yes, it is true that the people should have a say in the well being of their civilization, but is there any thing to be improved or changed that would significantly contribute to the development of the society? Secondly, releasing the memories would bring agony to the people. In the case of the reciver before Jonas, she was specially chosen based on her uniqueness, skill and capacity to see beyond...chosen from hundreds if others and still was not able to endure the pain of the memories. How would the everyday man manage to cope with it? It would bring epidemics of suicides, homicides, terrorism etc. the very things this utopian society has tried to rid themselves of. The very thing that causes mass destruction around us everyday. Everyone should not have to suffer at the same of one man. This would be unfair to the people who are innocently going about with their lives not knowing of pain, hunger, war, sickness, evil, starvation,greed, loss, heartbreak just to name a few. And even the positives like happiness, love, kindness, passion brings confusion; in pursuit of the greater good, and wanting more. In my opinion the blinder the people are the better they are.
ReplyDeleteI believed that the memories should be shared because they all needs to know what is going on. One person should not have to keep all the pain to himself he needs to share it talk about it and remember the pains that our ancestors went through kepp them in heart. By sharing the memories the new generation will start thinking better of their past generation and gain a sense of knowledge that with life comes a lot of struggle and giving up is not the answer, just like the Africans they never gave up they went through the struggle and most of them services.
ReplyDeleteI believed that the memories should be shared because they all needs to know what is going on. One person should not have to keep all the pain to himself he needs to share it talk about it and remember the pains that our ancestors went through kepp them in heart. By sharing the memories the new generation will start thinking better of their past generation and gain a sense of knowledge that with life comes a lot of struggle and giving up is not the answer, just like the Africans they never gave up they went through the struggle and most of them services.