Sunday 6 March 2016

Building a Web

In 'Anansi', Alistair Campbell stresses on Community. Identify the symbol he uses in the play to discuss this community. Discuss how community building continues across the Caribbean today.


  1. In 'Anansi' Alistair Campbell uses a web as a symbol of community. He showed how the Africans used stories and built that web or community to remain strong and united as a people and to overcome all their trials. In the Caribbean today community building can be seen in many ways. Community building can be seen especially around independence time when everyone comes together on community day of service to clean up their communities and beautify the country. Also during activities such as the Youth Rally, Military Parade and Cultural Gala when everyone comes to these events it is a form of socialization and unites us as a people. Another great example is when other islands came to the aid of Dominica during the passing of Tropical storm Erica by sending help and donating food and water to those who needed it. It was also seen on a smaller scale when people from other communities sheltered others who had lost their homes and all their belongings

  2. Alistair Campbell uses the web as a symbol of community. He shows us how the Africans were unitied as one, they used stories to express their feelings and to develop their communities by strengthening their relationship with each building is seen all around the world today for example we community building is seen when we have carnival and we all come together to celebrate our culture. We see community building when another state us indeed we help each other in order to improve the communities and the relationship that they have.

  3. Alistair Campbell uses the web as a symbol of community. He shows us how the Africans were unitied as one, they used stories to express their feelings and to develop their communities by strengthening their relationship with each building is seen all around the world today for example we community building is seen when we have carnival and we all come together to celebrate our culture. We see community building when another state us indeed we help each other in order to improve the communities and the relationship that they have.

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  7. The symbol used to represent the community is Anansi's web. Although it is small and delicate, it is good enough and completes its job. Across the Caribbean organizations such as O.E.C.S and CARICOM display the same sence of unity when compared to the web in the play. When one member country is in need of help the other member countries step foward to their aid. An example of this relationship within the Caribbean is the recent disaster of tropical storm Erika. The Commonwealth of Dominica was in great distress when we recieved help from neighbouring islands. Therefore, showing the great unity between the Caribbean countries.

  8. Alistair Campbell uses the web as a symbol of community. The story shows that the Africans had a very strong relationship and they would've stick by each other side through bad times. They read stories to themselves and to others to keep or stay strong when they are going through rough times. Across the Caribbean, they may not read stories like the African did but they would celebrate different events such as Independents, Carnival etc. These events build a strong relationship among the people like the Africans and the stories told.

  9. Alistair Campbell uses the web as a symbol of community. The story shows that the Africans had a very strong relationship and they would've stick by each other side through bad times. They read stories to themselves and to others to keep or stay strong when they are going through rough times. Across the Caribbean, they may not read stories like the African did but they would celebrate different events such as Independents, Carnival etc. These events build a strong relationship among the people like the Africans and the stories told.

  10. Allistair Campbell uses the web as a symbol of community. He showed how the Africans used their stories as means of hope and comfort along the journey. Their stories were what gave them the mental strength to endure all the events they faced. The Africans on a hold were rich in culture and that's why they were able to recall the stories which greatly helped them. We can see community building continue across the Caribbean today, when there are natural disasters and one country is more affected than the others. Surrounding islands would quickly pitch in to help to as quickly as possible help the country to recover from the destruction suffered.

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  14. In 'Anansi' Alistair Campbell uses the web as a symbol for community. The web stays together in the position the spider puts it, just like the community they stay together no matter what. Community building continues across the Caribbean in today's society because in certain events we come together and celebrate as one people for example carnival, creole in the park, world creole music festival, youth rally and lots more, these events units us together. Also when natural disasters occur we come together to lend a helping hand to one another because in times like that we need other people, these are some things that build up community across the Caribbean, just as the web does in Alistair Campbell's' 'Anansi'.

  15. In 'Anansi', Alistair Campbell uses Anansi's web as a symbol of community. Throughout the book the web grows as the girl learns how to remain strong and as she overcomes obstacles. Community continues to build in today's society in many different forms. Like during the Independence season where everyone comes together to celebrate a major part of our culture or during carnival but it is most commonly seen after disasters for example after tropical storm Erika people came together to assist those who were most affected by the storm by providing housing, food, water, and toiletries.

  16. In 'Anansi', Alistair Campbell uses Anansi's web as a symbol of community. Throughout the book the web grows as the girl learns how to remain strong and as she overcomes obstacles. Community continues to build in today's society in many different forms. Like during the Independence season where everyone comes together to celebrate a major part of our culture or during carnival but it is most commonly seen after disasters for example after tropical storm Erika people came together to assist those who were most affected by the storm by providing housing, food, water, and toiletries.

  17. In 'Anansi' Alistiar Campbell uses a web as a symbol to represent a community. He showed how the Africans told stories to each other and used it to unit together and as a form of security. In the Caribbean community building was apparent when other countries came to help us after the passing of Tropical Storm Erika. During cultural celebrations people came together as one to clean and build their communities. This is often done on Community Day of Service.

    Taking time to build a community to get to know your people will have long lasting benefits.
    ~Clifton Taulbert

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  19. Alistair Campbell uses Anansi's web to symbolize community. It symbolizes togetherness and unity because the people told Anansi stories to entertain themselves in the hold. As a result, the Africans became united as one. Around the Caribbean today, community is shown at independence time when the people come together to celebrate their countries independence. Also during world creole music festival, people from all over the Caribbean come to Dominica to celebrate this event together. Community was also shown after Tropical Storm Ericka. Countries from all over the Caribbean came together to help Dominica get back up on her feet. Community is very important because we are stronger together than by ourselves.

  20. Alistair Campbell uses Anansi's web to symbolize community. It shows how the Afiricans was so united and how they used anansi stories to keep themselves entertained and to remind them of who they are, that they are one. Their stories gave them the wisdom and courage they needed to overcome their misery. We see this today in our communities during carnival, celebrating our independence or on community day of service just to give a few examples. This shows unity, togetherness in communities and how we all need each other and improves our society by making us all stay as one. After the passage of tropical storm erika we saw the bond of neighboring Caribbean countries assisting Dominica with needed supplies and equipment. This shows that community is very important. We all matter and problems solves faster when we all work together.

  21. Alistair Campbell uses Anansi's web to symbolize community. It shows how the Afiricans was so united and how they used anansi stories to keep themselves entertained and to remind them of who they are, that they are one. Their stories gave them the wisdom and courage they needed to overcome their misery. We see this today in our communities during carnival, celebrating our independence or on community day of service just to give a few examples. This shows unity, togetherness in communities and how we all need each other and improves our society by making us all stay as one. After the passage of tropical storm erika we saw the bond of neighboring Caribbean countries assisting Dominica with needed supplies and equipment. This shows that community is very important. We all matter and problems solves faster when we all work together.

  22. The symbol that is use to symbolize community is anansi's web. The web shows the unity amongst the slave on the ship. Through their story telling they became each other's comfort, support system and strength. In today's society we see community when all the countries come together as one putting all their differences aside to help each other in time of needs, standing up against violence and any other thing that will divide them. There's a saying " Many hands make light work," and i think that is what the people in the caribbean are trying to do. In our country when we have community day of service all the people in the community coming together to clean up and beautify the place that shows how community can change what happens around us.

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  24. Anansi's web was the symbol used to symbolize community.The web portrays unity among the slaves which were one the ship. This unity was brought together by anansi stories which gave the slave hope,courage,comfort. This kept them alive,this was their only form of entertainment. And through the stories they learnt how to be strong and wise during all misery even though they were treated small.In todays society we see a people that care and work together in times of hardship for example when Erika took place everyone came together to help one another.Our caribbean people today show us that when we come together as one and work pesitively many things can be accomplished for example Community Day of service, where people in different communities come together and work as one people to clean their environment and that once you join to make one and accomplish good, greatness shall prevaile for our people today.

  25. Anansi's web was the symbol used to symbolize community.The web portrays unity among the slaves which were one the ship. This unity was brought together by anansi stories which gave the slave hope,courage,comfort. This kept them alive,this was their only form of entertainment. And through the stories they learnt how to be strong and wise during all misery even though they were treated small.In todays society we see a people that care and work together in times of hardship for example when Erika took place everyone came together to help one another.Our caribbean people today show us that when we come together as one and work pesitively many things can be accomplished for example Community Day of service, where people in different communities come together and work as one people to clean their environment and that once you join to make one and accomplish good, greatness shall prevaile for our people today.

  26. In Anansi, a web is used to symbolize community. The stories they told kept them united and strong and the web showed how they were connected with one another.Community can be seen across the Caribbean when people come together for Carnival or to ok celebrate their Independence. Community building and uniting could be seen in Dominica after the Tropical Storm Erika in 2015. Some countries across the Caribbean came together to help us by providing dry goods, clean water and assistanice to the government. People who still lived in their households opened their doors to the homeless and shelter was provided for others.

  27. In Anansi, a web is used to symbolize community. The stories they told kept them united and strong and the web showed how they were connected with one another.Community can be seen across the Caribbean when people come together for Carnival or to ok celebrate their Independence. Community building and uniting could be seen in Dominica after the Tropical Storm Erika in 2015. Some countries across the Caribbean came together to help us by providing dry goods, clean water and assistanice to the government. People who still lived in their households opened their doors to the homeless and shelter was provided for others.

  28. Alistair Campbell used a web to symbolize community and unity among the Africans even through hard times. They told stories to keep their culture alive in the youth and in them themselves. Community building is seen in different cultural events such as World Creole Music Festival when people come together to watch and showcase Caribbean culture. Also on Community Day of Service when villages come together to beatify their living spaces. Other examples include; Carnival and Independence Day when we come together to celebrate our freedom from the Mother country.

  29. Alistair campbell uses a web to symbolize community. In the web everyone is connected and works together to make the best of each of them. Community is still being portrayed in the caribbean, example: when tropical storm Erika hit Dominica everyone was shocked but tried their best to get dominica back on its feet, communities helping other communities. Even other caribbean islands joined in to help, Caribbean community is what I call it. Community is also where people come together to celebrate and enjoy eachother's company.

  30. Alistair Campbell used the web as a symbol of the community. Where everything is connected to one. Eveyone works together to build up their community.The stories that are being told are from their culture in which they carry with them up to this day.some examples of people coming together to protray thier culture are:independence,carnival etc. Events like these help to educate the young generation about thier culture and it's importance to stay together.

  31. Alistair Campbell used the web as a symbol of the community. Where everything is connected to one. Eveyone works together to build up their community.The stories that are being told are from their culture in which they carry with them up to this day.some examples of people coming together to protray thier culture are:independence,carnival etc. Events like these help to educate the young generation about thier culture and it's importance to stay together.

  32. Alistair Campbell symbolizes community through Anansi's web. all the strings come together to form one big web. Throughout the Caribbean, community building still continues. When one country is in need of assistance, another will answer their call for help. We are all one big community, coming together in culture, food, dance, clothing, etc. Even in our own little communities here in Dominica, we come together to clean it, or to cook food together, or for celebration. We come together as one.

  33. In alistiar campbells Anansi a web is used to symbolize unity in the community. The Caribbean is a diversed melting pot and dispute our different ethnicities we come together as one people in reaching a common goal. Organizations such as CARICOM is a good example of the unity depicted using the web. The Caribbean is intertwined and we waste no time in helping each other e.g Montserrat s volcanic eruption and Haiti s earthquake. We all came together as refuge for victims and aid. Another example is the sagicor visionaries challenge, which empowers young Caribbean minds to think outside the box to discover ways to help themselves and the caribbean. It might be seen as a competition but it also brings the people together. In the Caribbean everyone is their brothers keeper whether colonial or independent.

  34. In the book Anansi, Alistair Campbell used the web Anansi was making as a symbol of community, unity and hope for the ones who serviced that difficult time. Community is not just a group of people who live in the same area but also a group of people who have the same interest, religion, race, etc. They help to mold you into the people you are now and are going to be in the future and this is how community building continues Goda g in the Caribbean. There is a saying "sometimes it takes a whole community to raise a child" and I believe that is very true. And now in this time of history we celebrate community as we see opposite to the Europeans in the time of the middle ppassage. As in the Caribbean we see culture and not color. We celebrate Carnival, Creole day, Earth day, and most of all Independence day so that we never forget what the Africans did for us. Nevertheless we come together as a community to be reminded of our freedom and lives.

  35. The symbol, whom author of Anansi; Alistair Campbell uses, to portray 'community' is a web. The web is connected, like that of the African nation. In modern times, simple gestures such as working with close ones and others collaboratively shows a community. In addition, a 'community is also shown when we do not discriminate against others skin tone and race, since a community does not only comprise of the same race. We should all be equally united, like the web in Anansi.

  36. The symbol, whom author of Anansi; Alistair Campbell uses, to portray 'community' is a web. The web is connected, like that of the African nation. In modern times, simple gestures such as working with close ones and others collaboratively shows a community. In addition, a 'community is also shown when we do not discriminate against others skin tone and race, since a community does not only comprise of the same race. We should all be equally united, like the web in Anansi.

  37. The author used the web. The web showed us how weak we can be by ourselves but when united we can be powerful. In the Caribbean we see that whenever one of us has gone through natural disasters that we send packages and workers to help rebuild that island. for example we see on August 27th 2015, when tropical storm Eryka devastated Dominica, our neighboring islands sent us some money and food to help our people. The money we received helped us to rebuild not fully but to get us back on our feet so that we could try to get back to normal. If we did not get assistance we would not have been where we are right now. this is similar to the web, every part of the web is important to keep it up and the islands help us up .

  38. A web was used to represent/replace the word community, because a web is linked together, it is connected together. The web shows how united the people should have been and how united they had become at the end of the building of the web, even though it seemed hard in the beginning, it became easier, when differences were put aside and culture was involved and Mother Africa was remembered.

  39. The symbol that represents community is symbol.because in the short play the woman shows the girl the web and how it is connected together as one and how much stronger it is with many strings.and in the end of the play we see that the web is no longer there showing that the community has fall and the are no longer united as one

  40. In 'Anansi' by Alistair Cambell , the symbol used to discuss community is a web. The web symbolizes the construction of the bond between the African community that gets larger. Community building continues in the Caribbean as the elders continue to pass down culture onto there children and grandchildren . The culture passed onto the younger ones are being used as a part of their everyday life's and most of them use what they learnt from their culture to work together in building the community .

  41. The web symbolizes community growth. It shows how a community can come together and grow as one. The web shows that the people in the African nation were all united. Alistair Campbell showed us how the Africans came together as a family, sharing their culture and strengthened their relationship. For example, building of a community can be seen in Dominica at carnival time, independence and the tragic devastation of Tropical storm Erica. Everyone came together to keep Dominica alive and to stay 'UNITED'.

  42. Alistair Campbell uses a spider web as a symbol for community. A spider web had links and is connected. Although delicate, it is very important to the Africans.  The web also stands for unity.
    When one country is in need of help the other countries come forward. A situation where this recently happened, was the passing of tropical storm Erika that devastated Dominica with flooding, landslides etc. Islands all over the Caribbean came together to help Dominica out. Countries such as Barbados and  Jamaica, had many food drives to send to Dominica. Our neighbor countries can always help us when in need.

  43. Alistair Campbell uses a spider web as a symbol for community. A spider web had links and is connected. Although delicate, it is very important to the Africans.  The web also stands for unity.
    When one country is in need of help the other countries come forward. A situation where this recently happened, was the passing of tropical storm Erika that devastated Dominica with flooding, landslides etc. Islands all over the Caribbean came together to help Dominica out. Countries such as Barbados and  Jamaica, had many food drives to send to Dominica. Our neighbor countries can always help us when in need. We are always united through our culture.

  44. The author uses a spider web as a symbol for community. A fine example of how today society uplifts community is in the recent passing of Tropical Storm Erika. we saw how other countries came together to be a backbone for Dominica in everyday they could. Today we have organisations like OECS,CARICOM and Commonwealth keeping countries linked to one another in good times and in bad.

  45. The author uses a spider web as a symbol for community. A fine example of how today society uplifts community is in the recent passing of Tropical Storm Erika. we saw how other countries came together to be a backbone for Dominica in everyday they could. Today we have organisations like OECS,CARICOM and Commonwealth keeping countries linked to one another in good times and in bad.

    1. what my classmate jeanyia is saying is true we all learned a thing or two from our ancestors about unity for when we were going though a tragic time other countrys did help us we were like an unsolved jigzor puzzle and they helped put us back toether

    2. what my classmate jeanyia is saying is true we all learned a thing or two from our ancestors about unity for when we were going though a tragic time other countrys did help us we were like an unsolved jigzor puzzle and they helped put us back toether

  46. Alistair Campbell uses a spider web as a symbol for community. for through that spider web we are all united as one. this web also shows us how countrys and communitys can come together as one to help one another. so i think off the spider web in which anansi weaved as the caribbean because whenever a island is in trouble we are the the brothers and sister who lend a helping hand to the other to help pull them back together so that we stay united.

  47. Alistair Campbell uses a spider web as a symbol for community. for through that spider web we are all united as one. this web also shows us how countrys and communitys can come together as one to help one another. so i think off the spider web in which anansi weaved as the caribbean because whenever a island is in trouble we are the the brothers and sister who lend a helping hand to the other to help pull them back together so that we stay united.

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  49. Alistair Campbell uses a spider web as a symbol for community. for through that spider web we are all united as one. this web also shows us how countrys and communitys can come together as one to help one another. so i think off the spider web in which anansi weaved as the caribbean because whenever a island is in trouble we are the the brothers and sister who lend a helping hand to the other to help pull them back together so that we stay united.

  50. Alistair Campbell uses a spider web as a symbol for community. for through that spider web we are all united as one. this web also shows us how countrys and communitys can come together as one to help one another. so i think off the spider web in which anansi weaved as the caribbean because whenever a island is in trouble we are the the brothers and sister who lend a helping hand to the other to help pull them back together so that we stay united.for when our country went through a devastating time everyone helped pitch in so we could be where we are today

  51. Alistair Campbell uses a spider web as a symbol for community. for through that spider web we are all united as one. this web also shows us how countrys and communitys can come together as one to help one another. so i think off the spider web in which anansi weaved as the caribbean because whenever a island is in trouble we are the the brothers and sister who lend a helping hand to the other to help pull them back together so that we stay united.for when our country went through a devastating time everyone helped pitch in so we could be where we are today

  52. A spider web was used as the symbol of community. As a spider web is linked the Africans were linked and stayed together to share Anansi stories that was a part of their culture among each other, which also helped them on their journey. We can see community growth throughout the Caribbean as the neighbour communities are linked together and gives a helping hand to those in need.
